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Chris Holman - Real Riders Blog

Chris, you’ve been part of Team Bottrill since the early days, but recently we’ve seen you switch from TT to Triathlon, talk us through your reason for changing.

Since the early part of 2015 I joined Team Bottrill with great pride knowing that a legacy Matt had created will continue to get stronger to push the best out of the team and the individuals. Most of my goals were Time Trial specific and as the years progressed working very closely with Matt I specifically aimed my training around longer distance racing. One specific goal was to compete in Ironman Wales before announcing my retirement from competitive multi discipline sport. Obviously, I have not retired, and every year Matt seems replies with the same answer! ‘you won’t retire’

I decided to take a transition from TT’s to Triathlon once I realised riding up and down a dual carriageway was no longer enjoyable. And knowing that I was spending valuable time away from my family whilst getting those last few seconds out of my body just wasn’t fair to them.

Results and PB’s started becoming far and few between each race, and many factors could have resulted into poor performances including travelling to and from each event week along, work patterns and family commitments. After some consideration I made the decision to switch to triathlon.

The triathlon scene in Pembrokeshire has grown from strength to strength over the years with over 5 potential races all within half an hour drive of my home. After frequently watching friends race these events over the years, I noticed It is more family friendly, quite sociable and technically hard to get right.

With one Triathlon season done and the next one fast approaching I am looking forward to putting all the winter training into practice by improving from last years results.

2. We see you’ve got some additional logos on your kit this year, give us a breakdown of those features

2019 will see me supporting Get the Boys a Lift for the second year running. My target this year is to spread the word about mental health and fund raise along the way with my main target in completing Ironman Wales. Please follow my fundraising page to help these guys successfully set up their self-funded drop in centre, where they are striving to build an organisation to work specifically on improving better Mental Health. GTBAL have been noticed not only in Pembrokeshire but seen across the world in various locations with over 9000 followers.

The following of GTBAL in Pembrokeshire is amazing and many have reached out in contributing to these guys, this is my contribution for them in asking everyone to support me reach a target of £5000 . Not only am I doing this for my personal mental health I am also doing it for everyone else who is suffering in silence. I started growing a silly Ginger beard in September 2018 and until I have raised enough money and completed Ironman wales the beard will stay.

You can follow my progress by clicking on the following link.

3. How have you found the time difference in training between TT and Tri, and how do you fit this in around work?

Before transitioning into triathlon, I was training the bike for 5-8hrs a week, and at some weeks this was a stretch which made me wonder how I would be able to manage training for 3 disciplines. The beauty of having triathlon coaching with MBPC is that you have a 1 to 1 coach rider understanding of work shift patterns and critical time to spend with the family.

After many years now of training within MBPC I have now adapted well to the intense training sessions given but have also become realistic with my time allocation for each discipline.

Quite frequently my training sessions are juggled around at short notice due to the nature of my work and on call shift patterns. The only way to keep on top of this is by managing my time by keeping a family calendar, looking ahead at any potential call outs and liaising with my coach daily/weekly.

4. What are the main targets for 2019?

2019 is going to a be a massive year for me with the focus on raising as much money for GTBAL as I can but along the way I will trying my upmost best to finish the following events in a good place.

  • Activity Wales - The Wales Triathlon

  • Activity Wales – Long Course Weekend

  • 113 Events - Cotswolds Classic

  • Ironman – Ironman Wales

  • Cardiff Half Marathon with Louise

Although I lost my Mojo racing TT’s I have only gone and entered some longer distance TT events, the aim is to build the training up nicely throughout the year and end on a high.

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